Our History

The History of New Mount Zoar Baptist Church
The history of New Mount Zoar Baptist Church began around the year 1866, when a former slave named Jackson Hughes followed the union Army from Louisiana and settled in Fairfax, Virginia in an area known as Jacksonville Settlement (later named Hughesville Settlement). Not long after Jackson Hughes settled in Fairfax County, he met a young lady named Mariah Beckwith (born a slave in Fairfax County). Shortly after they were married, they located the property on which to build and found the church. Jackson Hughes and several of the others in the community, Charles Botts, Sanford Botts, Andrew Green, Sarah Parker, Robert Kelsey and his wife immediately set out to start the church.
The original church building where the first meetings took place was a building near the old community cemetery on Hope Park Road. The church was called the Zolar Baptist Church. The first Pastor was Rev. Robert Goffney in 1866. Prior to that time different ministers came to preach. The building was used as a school as well as for other community activities. Rev. Goffney suggested building a new church. The congregation agreed and the Botts gave the church a plot of land on which to build.
The earliest record of Mount Zoar Church as recorded in the Fairfax County Land Records dates back to June 11, 1886 when the Botts family transferred a plot of land to the Zolar Baptist Church for the sum of $8.00. A new church was build on Pope Head Road in Fairfax County and renamed Mount. Zoar Baptist.
In April 1947, Rev. C.L. Rogers and his wife Sister Lottie V. Rogers were called to the Mount Zoar Church. Several years after becoming Pastor, Reverend Rogers began to notice the condition of the old church and decided it was time to build a new church at a more readily accessible location along a main highway. God put it upon his heart to find a new location and build a new House of Worship for God and his people. After discussing this with the deacons and members, they agreed to support the Pastor in his endeavor. They began to look for a suitable location. Deacon James Burke and Sister Mae Burke lived on Braddock Road and knew of a lot next to their property. The church purchased the lot and built the church building.
Rev Rogers and Deacons Ray Barbour and Earline Metcalf worked diligently building the church. At times they worked all day and all night. With the help of the Lord, the church was built, and the Pastor and congregations dreams of a new church became a reality. The New Mount Zoar Church was completed and dedicated to the Lord. The Pastor and congregation marched into the building on September 3, 1972.
Rev. Rogers suffered from arthritis which made it very difficult for him to get around. With the help of Trustee’s Paul and Lee Barbour, he continued to come to church and minister until he had a stroke and was rendered unable to get around. During his illness, our church son, Minister Glen Barbour, ministered to the congregation. Reverend Rogers was called home to glory, May of 1994. Minister Glen Barbour was made acting Pastor.
Rev. Barbour served for one year. During that year, several ministers were called to preach to the congregation. The church prayed and asked God for guidance and direction in selecting a new pastor. After many months and many prayer meetings, the Lord answered our prayers. The church had a meeting and voted on the ministers that had been preaching to the church.
There was one young Minister that seemed to stand out from the rest and God directed our votes toward him. Reverend Spencer F. Isaac of the New Mount Nebo Baptist Church of Capitol Heights, Maryland, where he served as the Assistant to the Pastor Reverend Robert R. Johnson, Sr., was elected and called to serve on August 9, 1996.
There was one young Minister that seemed to stand out from the rest and God directed our votes toward him. Reverend Spencer F. Isaac of the New Mount Nebo Baptist Church of Capitol Heights, Maryland, where he served as the Assistant to the Pastor Reverend Robert R. Johnson, Sr., was elected and called to serve on August 9, 1996.
Pastors Serving New Mount Zoar:
Rev. Dr. Spencer Isaac, Woodbridge, VA, 1996 – Present
Min. Glen Barbour (Interim Pastor 1994-1996)
Reverend Clinton L. Rogers, Washington, DC 1947-1994
Rev. Belton Brooks, Washington DC, Acting Pastor 1946-1947
Reverend John Thomas, Washington, DC. 1939-1946
Reverend Demmsey, Washington, DC. 1938-1939
Reverend W.E. Costner, Falls Church, VA 1930-1938
Various ministers rendered service from 1928-1930
Reverend Richard Carter, Washington DC 1918-1928
Reverend Trenton Hedgman, Catlette, Va. 1906 -1918
Reverend Brooks of Franconia, VA. 1896 – 1906
Reverend John Clark of Alexandria Va. He served one year, 1895